On January 11th, the long awaited final report on yongeTOmorrow will be discussed at the Infrastructure and Environment committee.
yongeTOmorrow is our once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to transform Yonge Street into a world-class, 21 century urban destination that supports critical public health objectives - for a world with COVID-19 and beyond. yongeTOmorrow proposes a full and flexible redesign of the street from College St, south to Queen St, where sidewalks will be expanded, vehicle lanes modified, restaurant patios extended and street furniture and streetscape elements added.

Contacting the Mayor and Members of the Committee by Jan 11, 2021:
Direct communication with members of the committee is a very effective way to show support! We’ve made it easy to call and email the Mayor and members of the committee directly. Just visit our website and fill out the form!
Submit a written deputation by Jan 11, 2021:
You can also submit a written letter of support directly to the Clerk. If you open the specific agenda item, a "Submit Comments" button will appear at the top of the page. If you click this button you can easily provide your comments via email. If the meeting has begun and if the matter has already been decided, the "Submit Comments" button will not appear.
The courtesy deadline is 4:30pm the night before the scheduled meeting, but you can still sign up online until 9:30am on the day of the meeting.
You can also submit your comments in writing by mail, fax, email or phone
Matthew Green
10th floor, West Tower, City Hall
100 Queen Street West
Toronto, ON M5H 2N2
phone: 416-397-4592
fax: 416-392-1879
When sending comments that are intended for consideration by a committee or Council, please clearly indicate the following details:
That you are submitting comments for distribution to a committee or to Council.
The name of the item and the item number (IE19.11 yongeTOmorrow - Municipal Class Environmental Assessment on Yonge Street from Queen Street to College/Carlton Street. ).
The name of the Committee and the date of the meeting ( This item will be considered by Infrastructure and Environment Committee on January 11, 2021)
These written comments will be included as part of the public record and will be listed as communications on the item.
Need help writing a letter of support? We’ve created this template that you can personalize or just send in as is!
Sign up to speak at the committee by Jan 11, 2021:
To speak at the committee, you must reserve a spot on the speaker list with the Committee Clerk by email: iec@toronto.ca or phone: 416-397-4592. The agenda has been made public so you can sign up anytime between now and the start of the meeting.
To reserve a spot, you will need to provide the Clerk the following information:
The agenda item you will be speaking on - IE19.11 yongeTOmorrow - Municipal Class Environmental Assessment on Yonge Street from Queen Street to College/Carlton Street.
Your (or your organization’s) full name and contact information.
If you require a translator, or if you will be bringing your own.
Things to keep in mind:
During COVID-19, meetings are being held virtually on the WebEX video conferencing platform. When you present, it will only be audio.
The courtesy deadline is 4:30pm the night before the scheduled meeting, but you can still sign up via email on the day of the meeting.
There is no guaranteed speaking time, so you will have to monitor the meeting to know when your item is coming up. Deputation sign-ups are first-come, first-served. Ask the Clerk to provide your speaker number in their response.
You are limited to 5 minutes for your presentation, unless the committee decides otherwise.
Members will have the chance to ask you questions following your presentation; the limit is 5 minutes per Member, including their question and your response.
The Toronto Youth Policy Council has a great toolkit for preparing effective deputations, and we’ve put together some key messages about why we think this is an important project to support that you can use in your deputation.
Share your support on Social Media:
As always, your public support is invaluable. Care about the project? Make sure to let others know so they can add their voices! We’re using the hashtag #yongeTOmorrow on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to get the word out. Join us!